
Inspired By Excellence & Innovation

Clear planning enables you to be ahead of the curve when it comes anticipating the obstacles that inevitably come with church planting. These pieces enable you to do the research & planning that will position you to make an impact.

Demographic Research:
Who are you serving? Who lives in your area? Sometimes even when we live in an area we are shocked by the demographic data as to who is actually all around us. Of all the information that could be helpful, we want to make sure you’ve at least looked at 2 pieces: % of people in the area with no religious affiliation, population growth rate.

Community Engagement:
How do you seek to reach, connect with, and serve the community? Are there specific organizations that you are seeking to partner with or what problems will you be helping solve?

Discipleship Plan:
Many plants fail because the leadership doesn’t have a plan for their people further than when they walk through the doors and attend a service. What kind of a disciple are you seeking to create? What will a disciple look like if they’ve been in your church for a decade? What is your process for helping them pursue that reality?

Launch Team:
Planting a church is hard, and a team enables you to go further, faster. Who is part of your launch team and how are you seeking to recruit people to your launch team.

Revenue Streams:
There are so many different possible sources of financial support that most people never explore: denominational, christian businesspeople, grants, being bivocational, crowdfunding, missionary support. What are the different revenue streams you are seeking out to support your church plant?

1st Year Budget:
Preparing a 1st-year budget doesn’t lock you in to do exactly what you budgeted for, it gives you discernment on what must change when the unexpected arises (which it always will). A general 1st year budget is an important piece of the process for you to launch well.

These plans should take some time, some work, and lots of prayer. They will be able to be submitted after you have initially made contact, and refined as you go through assessment. If you’re stuck, or overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out and we’ll help you wherever you need it.